To the Queensland football community,
I hope you’ve all enjoyed this incredibly exciting year for our game, with the eyes of the world on our state and country as we hosted the biggest ever FIFA Women’s World Cup™.
Over the last three years, Football Queensland has worked to establish the infrastructure and funding requirements, built around FQ’s strategic infrastructure strategy, to support our ever-growing game as the state’s largest participation sport, and in the wake of the tournament I’m delighted to provide an update on the progress of the Nudgee Recreation Reserve upgrade.
In August, Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner announced that Football Queensland has been awarded the tender to lease the $35 million transformed Nudgee Recreation Reserve as part of an agreement with the Brisbane City Council.
This facility will deliver six state-of-the-art playing fields, a clubhouse and community spaces as part of a Metro North hub for football, helping to meet the existing pressures and demands of the 100,000 strong club-based and social participants in the Brisbane LGA, further supporting the delivery of community, development and female football programs.
The six football fields at Nudgee Recreation Reserve are already booked at 100% capacity from Monday to Friday, well in advance of its official opening in a clear demonstration of participation need and the demand for football facilities.
Football Queensland has deliberately left a number of community-specific slots open on the weekend to accommodate use of the facility by the local community in addition to the delivery of community programs including Girls United, Walking Football, Multicultural Settlement Program and MiniRoos Kick-Off.
FQ will also deliver FQ Academy, FQ Referee Academy, coach education and Queensland state team sessions at the venue, while the facility will deliver valuable field space for a number of local community clubs.
With further plans in place to deliver a Metro South football hub in the coming months, Football Queensland is continuing to work to build capacity to support the game’s rapid growth.
This Saturday, 9 December marks a major milestone in the facility’s upgrade as we celebrate the opening of the upgraded sport and recreation precinct with the Lord Mayor, Councillor Adam Allan and the Brisbane City Council.
As part of Saturday’s opening event, Football Queensland will host a number of football activations for the local community to get involved in alongside a range of activities and food options which will also be available on the day.
Click here for further information on the opening of the Nudgee Recreation Reserve.
On behalf of Football Queensland, I’d like to extend my thanks to Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner and Councillor Adam Allan for helping build vital capacity for our game with the Nudgee Recreation Reserve.
We look forward to working closely with all levels of government as we continue to deliver funding and infrastructure improvements for football here in Queensland.
Robert Cavallucci
Football Queensland