Football Queensland (FQ) was pleased to welcome Joeys Head Coach Trevor Morgan to the state over the long weekend, as he arrived to get a first-hand look at some of Queensland’s best young talent.
During his stay, the U17 national team coach attended a game on Saturday, 25 January consisting of mixed teams of Brisbane Roar Academy, National Premier Leagues (NPL) Queensland Metro and regional players – and also appeared at Brisbane Roar Academy’s U16 and U18 matches against Lions FC on Monday.
Morgan stated that he was impressed by what he saw – both in regards to the ability of the young players, and the structure of football as an organised sport in Queensland.
“It was great to see the progress being made in Queensland – no doubt improving the chances of a Queensland player progressing to all levels of National Teams,” Morgan said.
“These elite match days, and TSP [Talent Support Program] tournaments run in Queensland are always well organised and so far have showcased several talents who wore the green and gold last year.”
The Joeys coach said he enjoyed his visit to Queensland for a number of reasons.
“It was great for me on three levels,” Morgan said.
“To build a presence with the players – ensuring players in Queensland know that we are actively looking at them, regardless of club or home town.
“To see players in action – which is always better than video; and to spend time with the coaches, sharing about the game.”
Summarising his short stay, Morgan emphasised the importance of working together to ensure the progression of Australian football.
“I really enjoyed spending time with the coaches and discussing where we are at as a nation and considering ways to be better. It’s great to see the collective passion and dedication for taking the game forward,” Morgan said.
“Hopefully we can continue to share in this way so all coaches who have the energy can contribute to better players being produced in Queensland – as I said it’s all about the players, it begins and ends with the players.
“I look forward to keeping in touch and visiting again soon.”
Article image L-R Trevor Morgan (U12 National coach), Jhiarah Taylor (formerly Wide Bay, now Roar Academy), Dylan Menicke (Burdekin, NQ TSP), Thomas Waddingham (Edge Hill, FNQ TSP), Oliver Berry (Edge Hill, FNQ TSP), Deegan Brook (Olympic MA, NQ TSP), Pat Hedges (FQ High Performance Officer – Mens & Boys).
Words: Darren Newell