The #EQUALISER State Election campaign is a Football Queensland initiative designed to support the existing and growing demand for football in Queensland by advocating for critical infrastructure investment from current and future elected representatives from across all sides of politics.
With the main objective of securing essential investment commitments ahead of the Queensland state election from MPs and electoral candidates, #EQUALISER aims to build stronger connections between football and government as Football Queensland works closely with clubs to highlight the needs of our game.
Through the #EQUALISER campaign, Queensland clubs will be equipped with the tools to effectively demonstrate the readiness of planned infrastructure projects in order to secure funding commitments, with visual and written assets provided in the #EQUALISER club toolkit.
#EQUALISER club toolkit
Football Queensland’s #EQUALISER club toolkit equips clubs with essential resources to advocate for equitable football facilities and funding from local representatives ahead of the 2024 Queensland State Election.
The toolkit provides visual and written assets to assist clubs in advocating online, planning events, and engaging with local MPs and candidates, ensuring clubs are well-prepared to articulate their infrastructure needs and secure crucial funding support while spreading the #EQUALISER message.
In addition to the toolkit, clubs can now access a recording of the #EQUALISER club webinar, covering campaign details, steps to complete readiness of planned infrastructure projects, and effective methods for building relationships with local candidates, to further support their advocacy efforts.