Michelle Jones
Michelle Jones
Equipment Officer
Michelle Jones, from The Lakes Football Club, is the February winner of NAB Volunteer of the Month and second inductee into the Academy of Awesome.
Mrs Jones was nominated by her club as an outstanding volunteer and recognised for her willingness to help, community spirit and push to improve female participation. A timely winner during rebel Female Football Week (March 2-10).
Michelle, a teacher’s aide who has volunteered at the club for five years, said she was embarrassed to have received the award.
“I don’t volunteer for recognition,” Michelle said. “We volunteer because we love it.”
“I was a parent on the sideline, I was asked to help manage a team, then I was asked to join the committee because they wanted more female representation, now it’s my second or third year on that.
“I have four kids, I’m very busy but I absolutely love it. It keeps me active, it keeps my brain active.
“It (volunteering) creates a good role model for your kids, they see you give something for free, and I’m trying to teach my kids that helping people out without expecting anything, is what we do as good humans.”
The Lakes FC secretary Neil Kinsela, and vice-president Glen Kinsela, nominated Michelle because of her impressive work ethic and attention to detail.
Mrs Jones has been instrumental in organising the equipment and jerseys for the club’s 700 players, and in helping kick off the junior women’s football.
She volunteers her time and juggles a busy life with a husband and four children.
“She always helps everyone out. She’s just always there,” Neil Kinsela said.
“People like Michelle are what move football clubs forward.”