Football Queensland (FQ) has today announced details of the final two Future of Football 2020+ Club Summits, to be held in Brisbane later this month.
Brisbane clubs will have two opportunities to engage in a consultation session depending on their location and availability, with one Club Summit to be held on the North side of Brisbane and one to be held on the South side to accommodate the number of clubs in the region.
The Brisbane North and South Club Summits, to be held on Sunday, 23 August, will mark the 11th and 12th Summit events to be held as part of the statewide consultation process.
Hundreds of club representatives, coaches, referees and zone administrators have already provided feedback on the future of the game at Club Summits around the state in recent months.
“The Future of Football 2020+ Club Summits have been extremely successful in engaging members of the Queensland football community, from the Gold Coast to Cairns and in many locations in between,” FQ CEO Robert Cavallucci said.
“We’ve received valuable feedback and input throughout the consultation process, and we appreciate the willingness of our stakeholders to work with us to help shape the future of the game in Queensland.
“The Club Summits will conclude in Brisbane, our biggest zone in Queensland, and I look forward to hearing the contributions of Brisbane-based clubs, coaches and referees as we wrap up the Club Summit events.
“The extensive Future of Football 2020+ consultation process will continue in the coming months as Football Queensland seeks further input from the football community through a variety of formats including surveys and focus groups.”
Register for the Brisbane Club Summits here.
Brisbane South Club Summit
Sunday, 23 August, 9am
Lions Stadium, Richlands
Brisbane North Club Summit
Sunday, 23 August, 2pm
Perry Park, Bowen Hills